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KyoriCraft 0/20


Frequently asked questions (FAQ) about MiniMessage Viewer

What is MiniMessage Viewer?

MiniMessage Viewer, also called Adventure WebUI, is a web interface for MiniMessage. It allows you to easily create and preview MiniMessage text in various formats, such as chat messages, lore, holograms, and server list entries.

What is MiniMessage?

MiniMessage is a text format used by the Adventure library to represent rich text in a compact and human-readable way. It is used in various Minecraft plugins and mods to display formatted text in chat messages, lore, holograms, and server list entries. You can find our more about MiniMessage on the official documentation.

Where do I find the source code for Adventure Webui/MiniMessage Viewer?

The source code for Adventure WebUI, also known as MiniMessage Viewer, can be found on GitHub.

How do I use MiniMessage Editor/Viewer?

To use MiniMessage Editor, simply enter your text in the input box in the middle of the screen. You can use the buttons at the top select the format you want to preview the text in, such as chat, lore, hologram, or server list. The output will be displayed below the input. You can use the buttons above the input to format the text, such as making it bold, italic, or underlined. You can also add clickable URLs, commands, and hover text.

How do I share my generated MiniMessage text?

To share your generated MiniMessage text, you can use the share buttons at the top of the screen. You can share a short link or a full link to your MiniMessage text. Short links expire after 6 months, so make sure to save the full link if you want to keep it for longer.

How do I export my generated MiniMessage text to JSON?

To export your generated MiniMessage text to JSON, click the "Export to JSON" button at the top of the screen. This will generate a JSON representation of your MiniMessage text that you can copy and paste into your plugin or mod.

How do I preview my MiniMessage text in-game?

To preview your MiniMessage text in-game, click the "Try in-game" button at the top of the screen. It will copy a Minecraft server ip to your clipboard that you can add to your server list in Minecraft to get an in-game preview of your MiniMessage text.